Monday, October 3, 2011

After Yellowstone

We certainly did enjoy Yellowstone.  We were there Wednesday through  Friday.  We then had a day traveling to Jackson Hole. There were some photo stops along the way.   This is a typical photo stop.
Here is some of the scenery we were shooting.
 I was surprised that we really did time it to hit the autumn colors.  The colors are more yellows and less reds.  As you can see the sky has had fantastic clouds and wonderful weather. 
Jackson Hole was a two night stay where the 'billionairs are pushing out the millionaires".  On the second day we had a raft ride on the Snake River.  Some of the mountains behind us were the Tetons.  This is a nice shot, but some of the hill were smokey because they were having controlled burns. 
This is one of the three American Eagles that we saw on the raft trip.
That night we went on a wagon train ride to a barbecue in the woods.  There were about nine wagons in the convoy.  There was a small show as part of the evening and the guy that played the fiddle was a champion fiddler.   I couldn't believe that someone of that caliber was a part of this production. 
Stay tuned more posts to follow. 

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